Empowering You to Expertly Navigate the Process of Designing, Renovating
or Building your Future Home…

One that You Can Enjoy for Years to Come

HOME Method uses a structured, step-by-step approach that simplifies the process of designing, building, or renovating your home so that it aligns with your ideal lifestyle in every way.

It’s an online program, community and coaching, built around a simple yet powerful step-by-step process to navigate your project with confidence and clarity. Even if you’ve never renovated or built before.

Whoever you’re working with, and whatever your dreams, your location or your budget, HOME Method will teach you how to create your functional, sustainable, feel-good home … without the stressful and costly mistakes, time blowouts or dramas.


  • 3,000+


  • 30+ Years

    Experience in the
    building industry

  • 1+ Million


  • Tens of Millions $

    Worth of homes

Welcome to ...

If You’re Looking for a Way to Make Building
or Renovating Your Home Simple
and Rewarding…

Then there’s a good chance you’ve reached a point many homeowners do:

  • You’ve got lost down the rabbit hole of Google, Houzz or
    Pinterest, staring endlessly at stylish homes
  • You’ve realised there’s SO much more to building than what they show on reality TV
  • It’s slowly dawning on you that your budget may not line up with the
    vision you have for your home
  • It’s not as simple as picking out the designs you like and then sitting back and waiting for a builder to bring them to life.

When weeks of thinking and planning turn into months of what feels like no progress,

it’s only natural for momentum and inspiration to fade.

Or, as the decisions pile up you may feel increasingly out of your depth.

You may even have moments where you ask yourself…

Why did I decide to build or renovate in the first place?

But, deep down, you know why you’re doing this…

Like So Many Homeowners, You’ve Come to
Realise That Few Things in Life Impact Your
Happiness like Your Home

When you truly think about it, your home is literally the foundation that every part of your life is built around.

It sets the tone for your enjoyment of daily life. It determines the lifestyle you can enjoy.

It even shapes the future life you’re setting yourself up to live.

This is why designing and creating your future home is such an incredible gift.

It’s no exaggeration to say it’s a life-changing event. The kind you only get every so often.

But this is also why managing your renovation or build project can be so daunting.

After all, you’ll be left living with the results of it for years to come – good or bad.

Hi, I’m Amelia…
as an Architect, I’ve Worked Closely with Homeowners for 30+ Years in Creating Their Family Homes - as Well as Doing 3 Renovation / Build Projects of My Own.

And over the past 10+ years, I've helped more than 4,550 homeowner students, inside my online courses, through the often overwhelming process of building or renovating their home.

That’s one of the reasons I’m known as the “Undercover Architect”.

Behind the scenes, I’ve been the secret ally in the corner of thousands of homeowners.

I’ve worked with these inspiring homeowners to navigate the complex yet enriching journey of building and renovating their family homes…

… And sometimes their builders and designers never knew I was involved!

There are so many incredible reasons to create the perfect home for you.

You might crave extra space to raise little ones…

More room for growing teenagers…

Or all the added comforts of the ultimate haven as you head into retirement.

Whatever your motivation,
I know, personally, creating a home that fits your lifestyle in every way means having…

A sanctuary where you feel comfortable, organised and relaxed.

A place that gives you more quality time together with your family, (especially while your kids are still around).

A space where you feel proud to invite friends around to share celebrations and create memories.

A house that truly reflects who you are and that works for your family and the lifestyle you want to live.

I’ve built a career helping hundreds of homeowners just like you create
functional homes that achieve all this (and more).

But something else I’ve witnessed time and again is…

Horror Story After Horror Story of
Building Projects Gone Wrong

As a parent, I’d hear the same painful anecdotes at the school gate and weekend BBQ’s from other parents.

Agonising stories of budgets and timelines blowing out by two, even three times what was originally quoted.

Painful tales of inexperienced homeowners being taken advantage of by industry professionals.

This happens to incredibly smart, successful and hardworking people.

Yet when it comes to managing the build or renovation of their homes, they struggle to make sense of it all.

It’s certainly not a lack of drive, vision or ability.

Instead, what I know is that outside the industry itself, NOBODY tells you how to actually manage your building or renovation project.

The crazy reality is you’re left “flying blind” on one of the biggest
endeavours you’ll ever embark on in your life...

So, it’s no wonder…

If You’re Like Most Homeowners Embarking on
a Build or Renovation,You’re Probably Feeling
Some Very Normal Emotions Right Now…

First, you may be fretting about money…

And how you’ll manage to stay on budget, avoid being ripped off and make financial decisions that don’t cripple your finances.

Second, there’s a good chance you’re concerned about where you’ll find the time…

You already live a full, demanding life with work, family and kids, so you’re worried about how long your project will take and how you’ll possibly fit it all in.

Third, you may be experiencing “information overwhelm”…

The more you research, the more you realise there is to know and each new piece of advice from friends and family seemingly contradicts what the last person told you.

And fourth, it’s totally understandable if you’re feeling anxious about making the wrong decisions…

You can’t shake the nervous feeling that you’ll “stuff it up” by making wrong choices that you’ll have to live with in daily life for years to come.

If any of this sounds familiar, the simple truth is you’re likely feeling this way because…

Building or Renovating Your Home is Likely Something You’ll Only Do Once (Maybe Twice) in Your Life…

…And Typically There are No Second Chances

There’s no getting around it… it’s a big investment of money, time and emotion.

And it matters in a way that few other things do in life.

Right up there alongside getting married and having bubs.

It’s one of those rare moments in life that can either energise you, spark creativity and a sense of renewed purpose.


Zap all your energy, pile on unneeded stress and leave you wondering why you got yourself into this mess.

What you may find once you start even the earliest planning steps of your build or renovation is that it feels like everything is at stake.

Often it’s only when you get serious about your build project that you come to terms with how much your home means to you.

After all, your home is wrapped in nostalgia and the source of so many fond memories.

The problem is, when there’s this much resting on it, your excitement can quickly turn into overwhelm.

That’s because…

Every single decision you make along the way can be the difference
between the home you imagined, and the nightmare you'd hoped to avoid!

What if… You Had a Clear, Stress-Free and
Empowering Way to Turn the Vision For

Your Home Into a Reality?

That can help you…

  • Overcome the overwhelm and gain clarity so you can confidently make every crucial decision that goes into your project.
  • Hone your project and team management skills to effortlessly pull together all the interconnected pieces of your project.
  • Powerfully sharpen your negotiation and communication skills so you can handle even the toughest situations with ease and grace.
  • Become highly knowledgeable in design, materials and products like you’ve done this before.
  • Master the ability to maximise and stay within your budget to achieve outcomes some may say simply aren’t possible.
  • Pour over drawings with a trained eye so you can navigate the technical aspects of construction.
  • Learn how to manage your entire project to stay on time and on budget while avoiding the pitfalls and mistakes that lead to disaster stories.

Above all else… imagine being able to confidently stand on site each
week and hold your own in conversations with your team…

….don’t be surprised if industry professionals look at you and ask…
“What part of the industry are you from?”

As an Architect Who Has Been in the Industry
for 30+ Years I Can Tell You…

I’ve Learned There are 4 Things that Make
Designing, Building or Renovating Your Family
Home Achievable and Enjoyable...

…AND Save You Time, Money
and Stress Along the Way

#1 Creating Your Home with Heart

Your home’s identity runs so much deeper than colours,
throw cushions, nice fixtures and keeping up with the
Joneses. It isn’t simply about borrowing aesthetics or hacks
from the pages of a magazine.

Creating your home with heart is saying to yourself that “This
is what I want my home to be”, and not adhering to anyone else’s idea
of what it should look like.

When you know how to confidently craft your vision, set your
goals and be involved, heard and seen in your project, then
you’re able to create a home with heart.

#2 Staying Organised in Your Project

Your building project is a constellation of constantly
moving parts and zillions of decisions, day after day, for
months on end.

The very fact that you’ve chosen to go on this journey tells
me something… It says to me that you’re a master
organiser, whether that’s balancing work and family, or just
life in general.

So, with a proven roadmap and know-how, I’m certain you’ll
handle every part of your build with control, confidence and grace.
While keeping the rest of life on track!

#3 Getting Mentored Along Your Journey

There’s no reason to embark on this journey alone like
other homeowners do.

Having someone in your corner is beyond powerful. It lets
you skip all the mistakes, avoid all the heartache and have
someone to turn to at every moment.

I’ve been through this exact process hundreds of times
before - and guided 1000s of homeowners just like you.
Now, I want to be your secret ally. Your mentor who guides
you through this amazing journey.

#4 Being Empowered to Turn Your
Dreams into Reality

So much of building your home is believing in yourself.

From working with so many homeowners, I’m certain you’re
capable of so much more than you give yourself credit for.

You’re filled with so much potential and natural ability…

With the right support, knowledge and guidance, you can grasp
a confidence that is rightfully yours and become empowered to
turn your vision for your home into reality.

Heart, Organised, Mentored, Empowered… H-O-M-E.

Create a Functional, Feel-Good Home

That's Aligned With Your Ideal Lifestyle

…while actually ENJOYING the renovation or building process for
the empowering, life-changing opportunity that it can be.

The HOME Method Empowers You to Expertly
Navigate the Complex Process of Creating a Home
That You Can Enjoy for Years to Come

HOME Method uses a structured, systematic approach that simplifies the process of designing, building, or renovating your home so that it
aligns with your ideal lifestyle in every way.

Built around a simple yet powerful step-by-step process, expert coaching, and a big-hearted community, HOME Method is a building and
renovation online program that shows you how to navigate your project with confidence and clarity. Even if you have never built or renovated before…


Easy-to-learn project phases
that cover every step of any project


Actionable videos, templates, guides & checklists to simplify and accelerate your project journey


Step-by-Step Lessons for every stage of designing, building or renovating your home

HOME Method gives you reliable, trustworthy advice structured in a step-by-step roadmap that guides you through the renovation or build of your home...

First, in the Pre-Design Phase, We’ll
Zero in on What to Do Before
Designing Your Home…

There’s no escaping it: Your preparation sets the tone for your entire project. In this critically important yet often overlooked
first stage of building your home, you’ll set the foundation of the entire process.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

  • How to set your big picture goals that will give you
    clarity and control from the outset.
  • Dealing with local regulations and documentation
    so you don’t get bogged down by red tape.
  • How to expertly assess your financial position to
    maximise your budget.
  • Who you need on your project team and who
    does what.

Plus, much more…

Next, in the Design Phase, We’ll
Cover Everything You Need to Know
About Designing Your Home…

Whether you’re doing DIY design or working with a professional, together, we’ll translate your vision for
your future home into a clear design plan. And we’ll do it in a way that makes it communicate your biggest
ambitions to everyone involved.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

  • Writing a professional design brief that truly captures
    your vision and makes it easy to translate into reality.
  • How to design your site and maximise your space to
    enhance livability
    and match your family’s needs.
  • Accurately setting your budget and identifying
    strategies to save you money.
  • Safeguarding against the unexpected by
    cleverly factoring contingencies into your design plan.

Plus, much more…

Then, in the Pre-Build Phase , We’ll
Focus on What You Absolutely Must
Know Before You Start Construction…

Before rushing into construction like most homeowners do, this essential stage helps you escape construction blowouts and
missing out on what you truly want.

Using my field-tested pre-build process, you’ll ensure your time on site is used efficiently and is stress-free.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

  • The best way to proactively select materials, lighting, heating
    and cooling to make your home liveable and durable
  • How to master drawings and specifications to get your
    project documented effectively in the least amount of time.
  • Getting accurate, “best available” estimates so your
    project is accurately priced from the outset.
  • Navigating the often tricky approval process so
    your build can start on time without costly delays.

Plus, much more…

Finally, in the Build Phase, We’ll Reveal
How to Use All Your Careful Preparation
to Construct Your New Home…

The big moment is finally here… You’re ready to turn all your dreams and plans into something you can feel, touch and experience.

Using my systematic, easy-to-follow on-site processes and system, your build will run smoothly, on time and on budget — and you’ll keep your sanity

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

  • Assembling your construction team so you have the right professionals to deliver on your plans.
  • Selecting your builder so your project is well-managed and your project runs on time and budget.
  • How to efficiently manage work on site and maintain progress with airtight contracts, site meetings and smart workflows.
  • Sourcing products and materials in a way that gets you the best return on your spend and eliminates decision fatigue.

Plus, much more…

And, as an Added Bonus, We’ll Dive Even
Deeper into Managing Your Build…

Discover how to walk on site filled with confidence knowing exactly what to look for, how to speak to your
builder, and the terminology use.

Knowing how to carry yourself puts you in control of your build — and makes sure you get what you’re
paying for.

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

Your Deposit

How to put together the all-important contract with
your builder, when to sign and ensure you’re truly
protected by the law.

The Slab or Base Stage

The important decisions you need to make to get the
foundation of your home right on the first attempt to
avoid costly corrections down the track.

Lock It Up Stage

Protect yourself and your builder by securing your
building site from common risks to keep your build
speeding toward completion.

The Interior Fit Out Stage

Put the eye-popping finishing touches on your home,
like tiles, paint joinery with key strategies that will
ensure your interior lives up to your expectations.

Demolition &
Site Preparation

Get your site ready for your imminent construction and avoid the
common costs and pitfalls of demolition.

The Frame Stage

Make your home fully functional and entirely livable
by ticking off all the easy-to-overlook decisions like
fixture positioning with a helpful checklist.

The Facade Stage

Get expert advice and little-known techniques for
finalizing the gorgeous exterior of your home
while managing your budget.

Practical Completion

Stay in control until the final moment by
knowing your rights, your builder’s final
responsibilities and how to get your builder
back to fix any mistakes.

As you can see, I have literally laid out every single step for you to eliminate all
uncertainty and guesswork, so you know exactly what to do in every moment.

“I can’t tell you how that helped me…”

“Having it broken down in the way that Amelia does, in a plain English way, that an everyday person can understand is just, oh, I can’t tell you how that helped me, to just take a deep breath and have the confidence to progress.”


“The strategies of doing things in a disciplined way, will save people money…”

“It’s the speed through the process and the better outcome, the less conflict, the clearer communication. It’s all so important …The strategies of doing things in a disciplined way, will save people money.”

– PETER (Builder)

“We were able to track through our budget and … come in on time…”

“So I think all the preparation that we did, thanks to Amelia, really helped us know where we were headed … I think the success is that we had a really great project. We were able to track through our budget and yes, come in on time. And yes, be living here now.”


“You really feel she’s talking to you directly…”

“I really like the way that Amelia presents everything. She’s very human. You know, you really feel she’s talking to you directly. And she’s very down to earth, which is very appealing. It’s not nice having some stiff person or someone you can’t relate to at all, or someone who makes you feel like your knowledge is so inadequate. She talks to you like she’s been there. And that’s what I like about it.”


“You actually take time to investigate your own project…”

“I think the biggest turning point in joining this course, and encouraged by Amelia, is that you actually take time to investigate your own project and investigate what your needs are. And that is already a good starting point. By not doing that, you leave a lot of decisions to other people to make, and they don’t know your project as well as you do.”


“Amelia really gives you confidence…”

“Amelia really gives you confidence to say or think through things and then say, “no, I don’t think this is right…” to the builder or to the architect, “I think you need to fix this”. Definitely confidence in communicating, having a sounding board.”


This is Your Opportunity to Become a Part of My Inner
Circle and Get Closely Mentored Through Every Stage of Your Building Journey…

Inside HOME Method, I pull back the curtain to show you how the industry really works, so you can navigate it like you’re an old hand.

It’s an empowered community where you’ll be surrounded by other homeowners on exactly the same journey you’re on.

You’ll learn faster, stay motivated and get the support you need — whenever you need it. Oh, and, of course… share images to celebrate as
your home comes to life!

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn…

Access to the Private HOME Method
Online Community

Create your home as part of an amazing community where other homeowners are on the same journey as you. Get support, share stories, ask questions and have the conversations you can’t have with friends who haven’t been through this process. Seriously, this one is priceless... because all you need is one cracker idea and it can save you thousands, even tens of thousands of $$$!

Live Fortnightly Q & As with Amelia

Imagine having personalised mentorship from someone you can turn to who’s been through exactly what you’re going through hundreds of times before…

Receive direct advice and ask me your most pressing and time-sensitive questions in an empowering group setting where we cover every aspect of building your future home.

I’ll Also Give You Exclusive Access to ALL My Personal
Tools That I Use to

Manage Projects on Budget and on Time…

8+ Time-Saving
Templates, Including…

  1. A worksheet to simplify your decision-making and stay true to your project goals.
  2. Brief Builder to collect and document your wishes and wants in a useful communication tool.
  3. Selections Schedule Template for making key decisions on time.
  4. Interview Template for asking all the right questions of your potential designer before you commit.
  5. Site Meeting Minutes for maximising meeting value.
  6. Interview template to guide your builder due diligence and ask the questions you need.
  7. A descriptive specification to use early in your project to make decisions and reduce assumptions.
  8. Budget Spreadsheet template for cost management and budget tracking.

15+ Get-it-Right Checklists
for Simplifying Your Build, Including…

  1. What to check with your local planning rules to stay compliant.
  2. How to determine who may be necessary for your project, and the fees and budget to allocate.
  3. Selection criteria for finding the right designer or architect.
  4. Review fee proposals confidently to manage your risk and protect yourself.
  5. Getting ready to secure finance.
  6. What to include in a survey.
  7. How to involve a builder during pre-construction to avoid creating a design that’s over budget.
  8. How to review your design drawings.
  9. Reviewing your construction documentation thoroughly so you know what to check prior to getting the contract signed.
  10. A comprehensive fixtures and finishes shopping list of all the items you’ll need.
  11. Framing Inspection Checklist that reveals what to look out for.
  12. A Pre-Completion Checklist to make the final sign off a sure-thing.
  13. Lighting & Power Checklist for connecting your entire home.

9+ Must-See Guides for
Making Better Decisions,

  1. Sample set of documentation to save you from getting the wrong drawings (or not enough drawings) done.
  2. How to understand and tailor your specific project process.
  3. Setting your project budget and floor plan area targets with ease.
  4. Spending tips for ways to save money
  5. How to use Sunseeker 3D Augmented Reality App to visualise your home.
  6. Establishing the real estate value of your home to be prepared for lending discussions.
  7. Project Schedule Review with tips and how to keep things on track.
  8. Exterior material selection guide to assist with reviewing your material choices.
  9. A lawyer and builder’s guide to your building contract to enable you to confidently review and understand specific conditions and terminology.

Plus, many more resources inside...

Plus, I Love Ensuring You Have Access to Exactly What You Need to Accelerate and Simplify Your Project
Journey, So When You Take Action Today, You’ll Also Receive

5 Bonuses

Bonus #1

My 44-Page Personal
Notebook of “Room Notes”

After 30+ years of designing homes for all budgets I have formulated a personal collection of room notes for perfectly designing every space in your home. This one resource will save you hours in planning time and enable you to avoid that ‘have I got it right’ uncertainty.

Bonus #2

NatHERS ‘Under the Hood’ Sessions with Architect and Energy Efficiency Assessor, Sid Thoo.

This four-part workshop series will help you understand what’s involved in the energy efficiency assessment process of your renovation or new build. Plus, it will teach you how to work more collaboratively with your energy assessor and what you can do to increase the star rating (and energy performance) of your home — including tools you can even implement yourself as well.

This information will teach you how to make data-driven decisions about your home’s energy efficiency, save you money during your design AND in the long-term running costs of your home.

Bonus #3

My PAC Process

Having seen so many homeowners design homes they can’t afford to build once the quotes come in, I have included a module on the PAC Process, or Paid As Consultant Process.
This is where you bring a builder on board during the pre-construction phase to provide input on cost and buildability, and you’ll learn the nuts and bolts of what to expect from a builder when setting this up in your project.

Bonus #4

Happy Home Design

Learn how to get started on your home design journey, as well as the mistakes to avoid, and action steps to take. I’ll also teach you my “5F’s” of home design to use as your checklist
(whoever you’re working with).

In this must-see mini-course, I also reveal my techniques for analysing the layout for your floor plan based on what will best suit your site and lifestyle, and what to consider for your specific home.

Bonus #5

Choose Your Builder

My “5C’s” will give you a simple framework you can use to research, check and interview a builder, plus all the right questions to ask to
get the info you need.

This is an incredible online workshop that dives into the nitty gritty of how to check any potential builder you’re considering, plus a detailed list of all the things you need to know, so you can confirm that they’re going to be a builder you can trust and work with well.

*Please note: As these bonuses aren’t part of the core program, they may be available for a limited time only.

So, Just to Recap, Here’s Everything You
Get Access to When You Join Today…

  • 30 step-by-step lessons for every stage of your build
    (valued at $5,850)
  • 8-Module bonus training for managing your build
    (valued at $3,950)
  • 15+ Get-it-Right Checklists
    (valued at $1,495)
  • 8+ Time-Saving Templates
    (valued at $790)
  • 9+ Must-See Guides
    (valued $990)
  • Bonus #1 – My 44-Page Personal Notebook of
    “Room Notes” (valued at $445)
  • Bonus #2 – My PAC Process Run-Through
    (valued at $397)
  • Bonus #3 – NatHERS ‘Under the Hood’ sessions
    (normally $195)
  • Bonus #4 – Happy Home Design Mini-course
    (normally $47)
  • Bonus #5 – Choose Your Builder Workshop
    (valued at $695)
  • Facebook group membership with a community of members on a similar journey to you (this one is priceless)
  • Fortnightly Q & A sessions to get your project questions answered (valued at over $9,000)
  • Access to industry insider information and insights that can save you tens of thousands of dollars in your project journey
  • No expiry on your access to HOME Method
    program content

Total value $23,854

Your price today: Just $2,950

*Get instant online access. 100% secure checkout.

“It’s a ‘worth it’ Investment…”

“Amelia is obviously very, very experienced. And she explains things so beautifully. So even though you don’t have a background in architecture, or construction or engineering, you walk away from listening to her speak and going yeah, I understand that, and I can see how I would apply that. And she explains it in such a friendly, warm way.”


“It’s all been absolutely worth every cent…”

“It’s all been absolutely worth every cent that we have spent in order to feel like we have control, reduced some of that fear and anxiety, giving confidence to know even what decisions to make, and what questions to ask of other people.”


“A really beautiful mix of easy to talk to, but no nonsense…”

“She’s just so approachable and a really beautiful mix of easy to talk to, but no nonsense, and you know, really practical. She encourages you to be firm and I think that’s really fantastic. “


“You will get so much out of it…

I think sometimes when you do testimonials, you don’t tend to believe what the person has to say, because you don’t think it’s real. But what I can say is, is that the Undercover Architect, Amelia, are very genuine and real.

She has a great desire for people to move through building a home, renovating a home, getting the best out of their house for themselves and their family.


“The course has paid for itself…”

I would say just do it. Just do it. It has been one of the best things I’ve done. The course has paid for itself. The knowledge I have learnt has paid for itself.

And Amelia is very kind and generous in the giving of her knowledge. I would say just to do it, it’s not something you’ll regret.


“It saves you a lot of headaches…”

“It saved us a lot of time and money, and has given us the confidence that we didn’t have, and actually helped us to keep going. Because every now and then you start to doubt your choices.

So having the, the help or being in this course, enrolling in this course, has helped us made those choices even a lot easier, because you’re making an informed decision.”


This Building and Home Renovation Program Can Easily Pay for Itself by Showing You How to Navigate Every Step of Your Renovation or Build Like a Seasoned Pro…

Just by making a single planning decision, knowing how to negotiate a contract, or where to
source more affordable materials can comfortably repay your investment today.

Just by learning how to….

…become skilled at negotiating with contractors…

...avoid common planning slip ups that cause months-long delays…

…source products and materials at the best possible prices…

…choose the right builder who you can trust…

…create air-tight, favorable contracts…

...you can easily repay the cost of this program.

*Total value $23,854. Just $2,950 when you join today.

HOME Method is Made For Every Different Home Style, Personality and Project Type

One of the things I love most about HOME Method members is… They’re doing THEIR thing.

They’re creating homes to suit them and their families.

Not anybody else’s idea of what their home should look like.

These are homes and projects of all styles, types and personalities…

Inner urban small lot homes. Terrace homes. Off-the-grid, natural materials homes. Acreage homes. Regional homes. Suburban homes. Coastal homes. Compact homes. Heritage Homes. Passivhaus Homes.

First homes. Forever family homes. Retirement homes.

New builds. Renovations.

Budgets from $100,000 to over $2,000,000.

ALL types of homes.

And do you know what?

The step-by-step system inside
HOME Method applies to them ALL.

Take a Look at These Images of Members' Finished Homes
That Were Previously Dreams, Then Drawings,
and Then Construction Sites...

The incredible homeowners who made these dreams happen are
living in these homes ... and loving them.

Now you, too, can turn your dreams (whatever stage you and they are at) into the reality of your finished home.

So, whoever you’re working with, and whatever your dreams, location and budget…

HOME Method will show you how to bring your boldest dreams to life in a finished home
that matches your lifestyle in every way.

If You Had the Opportunity to Be Personally Guided Through Your Entire Project by an Architect with
30+ Years’ Experience…

…What Would This Be Worth to You?

If you’re like me, the comfort and reassurance of having a home that represents who you are is at the heart of your happiness.

As a homeowner, true contentment is having a home that adapts to your lifestyle in every way…

Now, I know this reality can feel daunting. It is for most homeowners.

But I can assure you, it needn’t feel this way.

It can be an uplifting, exciting and downright joyous experience.

If that’s what you want this journey to be for you then I want to help you bring your dream to fruition.

Imagine having an architect in your corner, showing you every step to take, question to ask, and decision to make.

Not for a minute will you have to go it alone, up against the rough and rugged construction industry.

What would this peace of mind be worth to you?

Hi Amelia Here Again...

As a wife, mum to 3 kids, an architect and experienced renovator, I know the right home design can simplify your life and connect your family for years to come.

It’s safe to say building and renovating is in my blood.

I was raised by a single mum who loved (and still loves) renovating.

I used to turn up at the school gates with paint in my hair from painting the bottom half of a wall while mum painted the top half above me.

I also watched the way tradespeople and builders would speak to my mum because she’s female.

Sadly, I still witness this today.

I also see incredibly smart, hardworking homeowners get taken advantage of for no other reason than lack of experience.

Having spent more than half my life in the construction industry, my mission is to give homeowners access to the same knowledge I have.

So you can simplify your construction project and avoid all the mistakes I’ve made along the way. Mistakes that can cost time, money and cause mountains of stress no homeowner needs.

Which brings me back to YOU…

If You’re Anything Like the 3,000+ Homeowners
I’ve Worked With, I Have a Sneaking Suspicion…

  1. You’re hugely passionate and tenacious about creating a great
    home for yourself and your family.
  2. You’re incredibly intentional about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.
  3. You care about the people you’re working with – and you want a good experience for all involved in your project.
  4. You don’t mind frankness and want someone who’ll tell you
    the truth
    — even though it may be hard to hear.
  5. You’re savvy, clever and know you can overcome challenges when you
    have access to the tools and knowledge you need

If any of this sounds like you… You can DO this, and you don’t have to do it alone.

And what you may find is that…

...This project journey unlocks your unrealised potential, achieves goals you previously thought
were out of reach and proves that you’re capable of so much more than you realise.

*Get instant online access. 100% secure checkout.

"It gives you confidence as you go into your project…”

"It gives you confidence as you go into your project. It helps you to be better prepared to ask questions to the right professionals and will hopefully save you time, money (and disappointment) in the long run - be that picking the right people, getting the floor plan that works for you, asking the right questions, and being prepared as to the whole process."


“This has been such a fantastic steep learning curve...”

"This has been such a fantastic steep learning curve! My husband is a plumber and even though he’s been in the construction industry forever - I’ve been, well actually you’ve been, teaching him so many things he never knew!!! Thanks for sharing your fantastic skills, experience and expertise and in such a user friendly accessible style."


“Such a welcoming, unique and accessible space…”

"Amelia Lee - you've created such a welcoming, unique and accessible space for people to tap into your wealth of experience, and a host of other professionals, at a time when we feel confused, vulnerable and nervous! Thank you so much."



Now, You May Be Thinking...

“My Home Is Unique, So I Need Specialised Help…”

Houses come in all shapes and sizes, but I can tell you from years of experience that the challenges, problems and processes don’t change.

So, whether you’re building a spacious acreage home or renovating an inner city terrace, the methods I will share with you will work.

How can I be so sure?

Because I have personally used them to help design and build 250+ homes – and no two were alike!

“I’ve Hired a Professional Team Who’ll Handle Everything,
I Don’t Need to Prepare…”

I know the whole point of hiring professionals is to ease the load on your shoulders.

It might feel like you’re just “doubling up” unnecessarily by doing extra
prep work yourself.

This program will show you how to choose the RIGHT professionals, ask
the right questions, and audit their progress.

“I’m busy enough, I don’t have the time to spend
on a program like this…”

I know what it’s like when it comes to learning something new like online home building and renovating courses.

You have well-meaning intentions to set aside time and learn. But then work and family life get in the way. Leaving you ruing the investment you made.

This program isn’t like that. It’s not another “thing on your plate”.

I’ve designed it in a way so that it fits into your life no matter how busy it is and lets you access the exact information you need at precisely the right moment of your project.

“Thank you for helping me get a little bit closer to achieving my dream…”

"I think the combination of information presented AND a closed Facebook group of people in similar situations meant you not only had professional guidance but you had people asking questions you either hadn’t thought to ask, or were afraid were silly.

Thank you for helping me get a little bit closer to achieving my dream."


"I've been binge watching and reading…”

"I've been binge watching and reading as much as I can for the past 2 days.

I've been spinning around and around in circles on what to do, and this course has helped me break away from that cycle and arm me with more information and process to follow in a structured way.”


"It's a friendly open environment…”

"It's a friendly open environment where you can ask any question relating to your build or renovation, and get honest answers from a professional architect, assistance with floor plans and products to get the most "bang for your buck."


“Couldn’t have done it without her…”

“Cannot recommend this highly enough. Amelia (aka Undercover Architect) is super hands on, generous, up to date, passionate and has created this incredible platform, information, community and support for all the right reasons. Couldn’t have done it without her …”


If Building or Renovating Your Future Family Home is Something You Are Going to Do One Way or Another, the Way I See It You Have Two Choices…

You can do what 99% of homeowners do and “go it alone” and risk it turning into a slow, expensive process…

You can rely on what you find on Google, advice from friends and your own instincts to make all the seemingly never-ending decisions that go into your project and hope for the best.

You can have an exact plan for every step of your build or reno BEFORE you start and someone to turn to throughout your journey…

You can choose to embark on this incredible journey with a clear plan, calm mind and a secret ally in your corner so that you achieve a final result that fills you with pride and sets your family up for years to come.

*Get instant online access. 100% secure checkout.

If You Had a Way to Manage Your Renovation or Building Project with Confidence and Ease…

What Would this Mean for Your Lifestyle & Happiness?

If you could stride onto the site each week utterly assured and in control when dealing with building professionals…

If you didn’t have to figure out all the hard decisions on your own that go into every stage from design to completion …

If you could navigate the steep construction learning curve with someone who has been there many times before…

If you put all money worries to bed by ensuring your build stays on budget and on time…

What would this mean for your life, enjoyment of the process and sense of fulfilment?

Ready to navigate this incredible
journey with unshakeable confidence
and self-belief?

*Get instant online access. 100% secure checkout.

P.S. Even Though We Haven’t Met Yet, I’m Sure I Know This About You: You Can Do Hard Things. and I Also Know, You Don't Have to Do Them Alone.

I’m not going to sit here and promise you that this will be a walk in the park, because that’s simply not how building works…

But what I can promise you is that we can make your journey one of the most immensely empowering and rewarding experiences of your life.

Let me assure you of this…

We both know you can do this… you’re MORE than capable.

You may have to outsource for expertise and experience, but you don’t have to outsource your power.

I believe in you.

And I love that you let me believe in you.

It’s a true privilege that I get to be involved in the journey of thousands of homeowners as they build their homes…

And I’m honoured and excited to be a part of yours.

So, What Do You Say…
Ready to Bring Your Feel Good Home to Life?

*Get instant online access. 100% secure checkout.

Awards & Recognitions


This program is for anyone planning to build or renovate their long-term home who wants to simplify the process of creating a home that makes their life better.

The HOME Method is for you if:

  • You are still in the preparation phase and doing your research
  • You are ready to get going on your project journey
  • You are already working with a designer

Unfortunately, if you’ve already signed a building contract with a builder, you’re in a legal relationship that can be difficult to change, which means HOME Method is most likely not a good fit for your situation.

HOME Method may also not be right for you if you would prefer to take on your entire building project on your own without additional external support.

Yes it does. Whilst there can be some slight differences between renovations and new builds, the step-by-step process for both is the same. Where they vary, we’ve included specific information to each.

Definitely not. We have members who have never renovated or built before! By simply using the know-how and insight inside the course, these members confidently manage their entire project journey as complete newcomers to the industry.

We also have members who’ve had terrible experiences with previous projects who want to be better informed so they never have to endure that again. 

So, whether you are embarking on a project for the first time or have been through one before, HOME Method will guide you through your entire process so you can feel confident and informed at every stage.

You definitely can. Your access to HOME Method program content does not expire. This will enable you to review the content in preparation for your project, and then revisit and review it as you need to whilst your project is underway. You are welcome to watch, and rewatch the lessons as much as is needed.

A big part of HOME Method is the support you have access to as part of our private community of builders and renovators. Anytime you need support, you can ask questions via the online course platform, or in the Facebook group. 

The Facebook group truly is a one-of-a-kind community where members are incredibly helpful, sharing their own project experience to support you through yours. 

Plus, each fortnight, I will respond to any questions in our regular Q & A session. All our Q & A’s are recorded, and added to the online course platform. We use some fantastic technology inside the course platform to enable you to search previous Q & A recordings, or find the answer to your question inside each recorded Q & A.

The program lessons are all located inside our online course platform. When you join, you’ll be sent (by email from [email protected]) your own personal login. The online course platform can be used and viewed on your desktop, laptop, tablet and mobile devices.

When you choose to join, you’ll be able to pay via our secure payment gateway, which uses either Paypal or Stripe to process payments. This secure checkout process uses encryption to protect your privacy and secure your online payment.

If you join HOME Method and discover it isn’t what you expected, you are able to request a refund within the first 5 days of your membership. Simply notify us via email at [email protected] and we’ll process your refund, less a $50 administrative fee.

During this time, you’ll only have partial access to HOME Method program content. Once you have full access to HOME Method program content (which happens one week after you join), you’re no longer eligible for a refund.

You’re welcome to share your online course login details with your partner (the one you are renovating or building with!) so you can both access HOME Method program content.

Each HOME Method membership entitles you to one spot in the Facebook group. We have members who set up a specific profile they can share as a couple, and then use this to join the Facebook group with shared access. If you wish to do this, please simply notify us when you request to join the group, so we can accept your shared profile.