How do you want to create your home? And the life it helps you lead?
I want to empower you to build a better future for yourself and your family. By creating a home that works – for you, your family, your budget, your site and your life.
I have a vision that – EVERYWHERE – our streets, neighbourhoods and communities are places where people are striving to make their lives better through intentionally creating well-designed homes and environments.
OK …. Does that sound a bit full-on? It may, but now that I’ve put that out there, I’m going to say this.
You see, I fundamentally believe that everyone – including you – deserves to live in a well-designed environment …. ultimately because it makes life better.
I’m super-passionate-in-your-face-shouting-from-the-rooftops-great-design-just-makes-life-better about this.
You CAN live your best life – the life of your dreams – and me helping you, empowering YOU, to create a well-designed home … well – this is simply how I can help you achieve your dream life.
Don’t you think you deserve to live your dream life? I do. In fact I think we all deserve it. What else are we here for? One life, one shot to be the best versions of ourselves, live the best life we can, and make a difference to the world in the process. That’s how I feel about it – very strongly, actually.
My dream is that you come to know that it’s not out of reach for you to do this, to be this, and that IT IS POSSIBLE to access everything you need to live your dream life … starting with how you create your home.
Every day we make choices, and those choices not only impact the way we individually get to live, but the way others around us get to live also. This is particularly true when we build or renovate our home.
When you make these choices about your home consciously – about how you design and live in your home – it can make a massive difference to not only your life, but also the life of your family, your neighbour, and your community. It even makes a difference to people you’ll never meet – to the passer-by walking their dog or driving their car home from work.
By consciously, I mean making choices intentionally, with consideration, courage and understanding of their impact and influence in the quality of your life.
If you’re building a new home, or renovating your current one, you’re going to be investing time, money and a lot of heart, soul and effort into the process. It’s inevitable – your time will pass, your money will be spent, your effort and energy will be invested.
This will happen anyway.
Regardless of the outcome you achieve, you will do this, because you are creating your home.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if (with that time, money, energy and effort) you actually created a home that helped you live the life of your dreams?
I’m not talking about building the Taj Mahal and mortgaging yourself into eternity.
This is not about ‘having’ more.
This is about optimising, about ‘being’ more, and ‘making’ more with what you already have.
What I’m talking about here is about you believing that YOU DESERVE a well-designed home.
One that gives you joy and a sense of belonging.
One that fills you with peace and happiness.
One that is heaven and haven all wrapped into one.
A home that nurtures your dreams.
I believe that this is possible, and it all starts with YOU, and the choices you make.
I will surely be reading more in the event that you keep producing posts like this one.
Thank you for your kind comment – I really appreciate you being here and reading the blog! I really want to help people live a great life – their best life. Helping you create a home that works, that inspires, refuels and restores you, is the means by which I seek to help you do just this. That’s what Undercover Architect is all about! It’s great to hear you enjoyed the post – Amelia, UA x