Learn about some of the top myths perpetuated about Interior Designers and Interior Design.
These are myths not only talked about by homeowners – they also exist in the design industry as well.
Frances is an interior designer, principal of White Pebble Interiors, and author of “Your Forever Home”.
In this episode, we talk about some assumptions we see homeowners and the design industry make about Interior Designers and Interior Design, that can be problematic in any project.
Listen in to learn more about …
- fee structures
- why briefing your Interior Designer early can be so important, and
- the mistaken assumptions you might have about Interior Designers
Having worked in this industry for 25 years now, I’ve seen all sorts of things get said and thought about Interior Designers and Interior Design. Interestly, when I first started my career, it wasn’t that common to work with an Interior Designer.
Working in a small architecture practice in my early 20s, I found we did the Interior Design on all our projects. I learnt that, as an architect, I had to think about, understand and design ALL the components of any project … from the big, chunky, 50m decisions, through to the small, detailed, and intricate 5mm ones too.
And it was really interesting to see my early experience was all about the importance of these 50m and 5mm decisions having a relationship to each other in order for a building (whether a large public project or an individual home) to hang together as a holistic experience and project.
As I chatted to Frances about assumptions and myths, we could see how easy it is for a homeowner to get caught out.
Listen to the episode now.
Would you like to simplify your choices, and have total clarity and confidence that your interior design will help create your beautiful, functional, feel-good home?
Interior Design 101 is a self-study, DIY program. It contains the full version of all interviews from the podcast, plus extra content specifically created for Interior Design 101.
In this full interview featured inside Interior Design 101, we discuss more myths … one especially being an assumption that many homeowners have that all Interior Designers understand construction and building codes.
There are experienced Interior Designers out there who understand how buildings get put together, but I’ve also had far too many scary conversations with Interior Designers, Decorators and Stylists who’ve been advising homeowners on construction and building decisions, and seriously jeopardising the homeowner and themselves in the process.
It can be super risky when your Interior Designer doesn’t understand building codes and standards, so we talk more about this area. And we also discuss the animosity we see in the industry, and how to create collaboration and trust within your team overall.
You’ll also find full transcripts, videos, checklists, guides and so much good stuff to support you in the Interior Design of your renovation, new home or smaller project.
Interior Design 101 has been designed to help you gain clarity and confidence in all those selections and decisions you need to make for the finishes, fixtures, colours, materials and items you’ll be living with everyday.
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Frances Cosway’s book, “Your Forever Home” >>> CLICK HERE
To learn more about the self-study, online program, Interior Design 101 >>> CLICK HERE
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