What’s ahead in architecture for 2024?
In this episode, I share some of the learnings and conversations happening in architecture lately, especially at the AIA National Conference (held at ANU, Canberra, October 2023).
Listen to the episode now.
Hello! This is Episode 301, and in it, I’m going to share with you what is being discussed in architecture for 2024.
As with any industry, there are loads of conversations that happen behind closed doors and, as someone who might be planning to build or renovate, it can be so useful to gain some insight into what’s being discussed, prioritised and cared about inside the industry, to see its potential impact on your plans and project.
A lot of my conversation here will be a recap on the discussions and presentations that happened during the 2023 National Conference for the Australian Institute of Architects, held in early October, 2023 in Canberra.
It was a really interesting time, and having attended these conferences since the late 1990s, I’m amazed to see how much the industry is shifting and changing, so I’ll talk a bit about that too.
One of the things I love about my work in Undercover Architect and Live Life Build is that I get the opportunity to be exposed to, and connected with, a lot of information and people from all parts of the industry.
And also outside of the industry as I collaborate with and learn from those running businesses, especially online businesses, in other industries and niches.
And getting together in real life is always hugely beneficial. And especially when you’ve had online collaborations and built relationships with specific colleagues, it’s brilliant to find the opportunity to be in the same location as them so you can connect in person.
The recent Australian Institute of Architects National Conference, held in Canberra in early October this year, 2023, was a great example of this.
I had already booked to go when Sarah Lebner, from Cooee Architecture, approached me about co-presenting a session. If you missed out on information about that, I spoke about it in the last episode, Episode 300, so you can learn more about what we presented there.
I’ve broken up my run-through into three areas: Content, Community and Communication, to share what’s been going on in the conversations I’ve been seeing about architecture, particularly in Australia, but also in other locations, most recently.
Stan Grant was a keynote speaker at the AIA Conference on Monday afternoon.
“Stan Grant is a renowned journalist, author, moral philosopher, thinker, film maker and communicator. He has had a groundbreaking four-decade career as one of Australia’s most awarded journalists.
A Wiradjuri, Kamilaroi and Dharrawal man, Stan has blazed a trail for First Nations journalists. In a career of firsts he was the first Indigenous Political
Correspondent, the first Indigenous Foreign Correspondent, he was the first Indigenous person to present a prime time commercial television news and current affairs program.”
Stan’s presentation was the last of the day on Monday, the first day of the conference.
And, you could have heard a pin drop in the main hall which held 700+ architects.
He really didn’t pull any punches.
I don’t want architecture with a capital ‘A’ >>> READ THE BLOG POST
2021 Client Feedback Report, Australian Institute of Architects >>> READ IT HERE
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