Want to learn about the online and offline resources you can use to set your renovation or building budget?
There are many resources, online and offline that you can use when setting your project budget. And there’s a few things to be aware of so you can be more effective in your research.
Often when you’re starting to think about your project, and trying to determine the budget you need to set aside for it, you don’t to have too many public conversations about it.
This is for a few reasons.
One might be that you just feel clueless. You don’t know who to start speaking to, or the questions to ask.
And in feeling like that, you may be worried that you’ll look foolish. Say something you’re not supposed to, or give professionals and builders information that gives away too much.
It may be too that you don’t want to give too much away too soon. Show your hand and then be at the mercy of trusting everyone to not be taking advantage of you.
I know that one thing that many homeowners I speak to fear, is all the unknowns. And whenever you’re in that kind of territory, feeling out of your comfort zone, it’s can be a hard place to be. And to admit that you don’t really know what you’re doing whilst you’re there.
I’d like to say this to you, though, if this is how you are feeling.
You aren’t supposed to know what you’re doing – especially if this is the first time you’ve renovated or built your home.
However, you’re sitting at home, and you’re thinking this whole renovation and building thing through. You’ve watched The Block, and House Rules, and Fixer Upper. And you’re thinking, I just want to get a handle on budgets, and how much things cost, before I start bothering anyone, or feeling like I’m wasting anyone’s time.
So, how can you do it? Let me give you some places to start.
Firstly, there’s online.
Here’s the links I mention in this episode:
Home Design Directory >>> BUILDING COST CALCULATOR
All Australian Architecture Budget Calculator >>> ARCHITECT’S COST CALCULATOR
Valuers’ cost estimate calculator >>> FOR BUILDING COSTS BASED ON STATE OF AUSTRALIA
Finder.com.au renovation calculators and cost guides >>> FOR COSTS OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF PROJECTS
Other resources are offline
Talking to those in the industry about current costs of building and renovating is, of course, another resource available to you when beginning your project.
You may see that they refer to building and renovating costs as square metre rates.
Now, square metre rates can be a good place to start. And at least they’re somewhere to start, especially when you’re desperately trying to start somewhere! However, they also have their traps.
Listen to the episode now, as I share more about these resources, and what to be aware of when understanding costing and budgets in square metre rates.
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