What are the big mistakes to avoid when building or renovating your home?
Well, there are many. However, these 3 communication mistakes are most often made. They can cause huge problems and are simple to avoid in your renovation or building project. Here’s how.
There are lots of mistakes that I see homeowners make when it comes to building and renovating their homes. Mistakes that cost them extra time, money and stress along the journey.
Some of the main mistakes – the most stress-inducing mistakes – come from how homeowners manage their communication.
So, I’m referring to their communication with their team, with establishing their vision and in managing the elements of the project along the way.
I have 3 key mistakes to share with you so you know what to avoid in your renovation or new home. These mistakes relate to how you communicate, and what you might avoid communicating – to the detriment of your project.
What are these mistakes? They are:
- Getting lost in the weeds
- Giving accusations not feedback
- Hanging on for too long.
Listen to the podcast now for more information on these mistakes, and learn how they can really cause problems on your project. I also share critical ways you can avoid making these mistakes yourself.
Links mentioned in this podcast:
Turn off the lights when you leave >>> READ HOW TO LEAVE YOUR BUILDER OR DESIGNER
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