Are you planning a holiday design, renovation or building project?
These holiday times can be a great opportunity to get some work done on and around your home. And to get planning that design, renovation or building project in the future.
Whether you’re
- kicking off renovation or building project,
- you’re tackling one part of it, or
- doing a job like painting or landscaping,
… then it can be quite exciting to know you’ll have this chunk of time to get your teeth into it.
If you’re listening to this around its time of release, it’s late November, and there’s less than 5 weeks until Christmas. And even less time to the start of school holidays! AArrrggh – where is the year going hey?
So, if you’re planning some work on your place over the holidays, I want to share with you some tips. Because NOW is the time to get ready.
And if you’re not listening at the time this episode was released, and it’s say, August or some other month … then these are still good checks for you to do before you hit ‘go’ on any project at home. Whether you’re planning anything big or small, these tips will help minimise the headaches in getting it done.
So let’s dive in! Let me share 7 tips to help you get sorted, so you can use your time effectively, to get work done this time of year. Because now is the time to get yourself ready.
Tip #1: Check who else will be on holidays
So you don’t get caught out like I did and have to scramble for suppliers or tradespeople mid-project.
Tip #2: Make room for some holiday time
Don’t wear yourself out so much on getting your project done, that you forget to actually relax in your holiday.
Tip #3: Work towards the big picture
You’ll be better served ensuring that all work you’re doing on your project is heading towards a masterplan vision for it – rather than having to undo work down the track.
Tip #4: Tick all the boxes
Don’t forget to do things legally so you don’t get into trouble with your local council, approvals and rules and regulations.
Tip #5: Plan what you’ll get through – and be realistic.
Create a plan of how much you can actually get through, so you don’t finish your holiday with a half-done job, and feeling disappointed you’ve not got done what you wanted to, because your expectations were actually too high.
Tip #6: Make the most of it, while it’s still just on paper
When your home reno or new build is still lines on a page, you have a precious window of opportunity to be sure you’ve got it right – before all those lines become permanent choices you have to live with.
Tip #7: Be patient – and look for the silver lining.
Can’t get done what you want to? Look for other opportunities in your project. Tick off tasks you can do, and get yourself super prepared for future ones. You’ll save time, money and stress in the long run.
Listen to the podcast now.
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