How do you research your renovation or new home online and save time?
In this episode, I’ll be sharing tips to help you research your renovation or new home project online, and save time – as well as find online resources you can trust.
This episode is called “How to not get lost down a Google Rabbit Hole!”
Is renovating or building your home on your agenda for this year?
Undercover Architect is packed full of useful information so you can get it right. And what’s in store this year is no exception. I have some fantastic content planned for you, and loads of great things to share.
Today’s episode is all about helping you save time.
Do you know, time is the only finite resource we really have?
It’s like that saying – “We all have the same 24 hours as Beyonce”.
Which actually cracks me up, because I think that 24 hours in the life of Beyonce would look markedly different to 24 hours in my life … but that’s not really the point of the saying is it?
What it’s trying to say is that, we all have 24 hours a day … and how we use them then determines what our days look like, where we get to, the kind of person we are, and what we might accomplish along the way.
I want to help kick your reno or building plans up a gear, and actually get this project done.
And doing that starts with HOW, and WHERE you do your research.
In this episode, I share 3 mistakes that many homeowners make as they search online for help when renovating or building.
And I also give you 3 tips to improve your searching, and find information and advice that will move your project forward – and make you more confident and less stressed.
Listen to the podcast now.
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