What stories are you telling yourself in your renovation or new build? Learn how to stop sabotaging your project, with Lisa Corduff.
This is episode 195, and in it, we’ll be talking about the stories we tell ourselves that may sabotage our renovation or new build project.
Join Lisa’s awesome program “Ready for Change” >>> LEARN MORE HERE
Undercover Architect is a happy affiliate for Lisa’s program “Ready for Change”. This means that, if you join, we may earn a small commission at no extra charge to you. Amelia has personally done this program, which is the reason she vouches for it. She’s has found it hugely beneficial herself and knows how much it can help you >>> LEARN MORE ABOUT ‘READY FOR CHANGE’ HERE
In this episode, I’m speaking with a special guest who has bucketloads of experience in helping people bust their stories wide open.
Her name is Lisa Corduff, and she’s got a huge amount of wisdom to share that I know is going to be amazing for you.
Lisa’s work is something I have personal experience in.
And in the work I do with homeowners all over Australia, and around the world – both male and female – I know it’s going to be relevant for you too.
Because, like it or not, we have these embedded beliefs and versions of reality we carry around in our behaviour, habits and thought-patterns, that can impact how we navigate our projects, the types of homes we create, and how well the whole journey goes for us as well.
And once you’re aware of these beliefs, these stories – well, it’s seriously powerful for changing your experience, creating different opportunities, and also showing up as a truer version of yourself (which actually then enables you to create a home that really works for you).
In my experience of working with hundreds and hundreds of homeowners, I find this to be true:
The way you do life is the way you do your renovation and building project.
And the way you do your renovation and building project is the way you generally do life.
And when you’re renovating or building, and investing time, energy and money, it highlights the behaviours, mindsets and communication styles that may not be consciously known in life, but get concentrated under the stress and pressure that can happen during your project.
Renovating and building your family home is often a big, emotional undertaking. The creation of your future family home is not only about navigating an industry you think you’re familiar with (thanks to reality TV), and soon discover you’re not; It also involves the expenditure of big funds and so, is related to our money mindset as well.
And it ties into our aspirations, emotional baggage around what ‘home’ means to us, the goals we have for our families, what others think of us, and our vision for our future lifestyle.
Women in particular are operating inside a male dominated industry. And they can put a huge amount of pressure on themselves to create homes that ‘measure up’ … to their own expectations, and also those imposed on them by their family, friends and community.
Our homes can also have status attached to them: socio-economic, our stylishness, our financial success, etc. And yet, they can, and should, be a really personal expression of self, of what we value, and what matters to us. I see women want to be brave in their choices, but their head-logic can override their heart-driven wishes, with what is ‘on-trend’, makes sense for resale, and what others may think.
And when you’re renovating or building, and investing time, energy and money, it highlights the behaviours, mindsets and communication styles that may not be consciously known in life, but get concentrated under the stress and pressure that can happen during your project.
Renovating and building your family home is often a big, emotional undertaking. The creation of your future family home is not only about navigating an industry you think you’re familiar with (thanks to reality TV), and soon discover you’re not; It also involves the expenditure of big funds and so, is related to our money mindset as well.
And it ties into our aspirations, emotional baggage around what ‘home’ means to us, the goals we have for our families, what others think of us, and our vision for our future lifestyle.
Women in particular are operating inside a male dominated industry. And they can put a huge amount of pressure on themselves to create homes that ‘measure up’ … to their own expectations, and also those imposed on them by their family, friends and community.
Our homes can also have status attached to them: socio-economic, our stylishness, our financial success, etc. And yet, they can, and should, be a really personal expression of self, of what we value, and what matters to us. I see women want to be brave in their choices, but their head-logic can override their heart-driven wishes, with what is ‘on-trend’, makes sense for resale, and what others may think.
Meanwhile, there’s the potential for us to limit what we actually deserve or want to embrace for our future, and so limit or sabotage our project’s progress and outcomes.
Plus, there’s also challenges around what we make the interactions we have with others during our project actually mean (“does my builder or architect like me, or am I the nagging client he complains about to others”).
And so, in this podcast, we’re diving into how we can become more aware of the stories we tell ourselves, and then how we can change them to be more empowering, help us be more relaxed, and show up for ourselves and our families in the truest way possible. Both in our projects, and in our lives.
I also believe that this information is relevant to men.
Having been inside this male dominated industry for over 25 years, I’ve worked closely with a lot of male colleagues, consultants and builders. And inside my other business, Live Life Build, I have a male business partner, and we are regularly coaching and supporting our mostly-male builder members.
And so, I know that men are not immune to this. You also tell yourselves a bunch of stories that change the way you behave, show up, and what you make things mean.
So, if you’re male, don’t tune out now and think this episode is just for the female UA Community members. I really encourage you to listen and see how this could help you too.
My guest for this episode is Lisa Corduff.
So, let me share a little about Lisa, but not too much, as you’ll hear here share more of her story in our conversation in this episode.
Lisa Corduff helps women upgrade their mindset, get unstuck, and change the stuff that’s not working in their life. A solo mum of 3, she’s all about skipping straight to the hacks and techniques that actually work, while avoiding the perfectionism and overwhelm that can so easily keep us trapped.
When I asked you for podcast topic suggestions, one message I got loud and clear over and over, was that you wanted to hear more about some of the things I’ve personally done to help navigate life, business and my own projects.
They say that having a business is one of the biggest exercises you can have in personal growth, and I would say that’s definitely true.
And I know that there’s loads I do in my personal and professional life to help me navigate all the different roles I have as wife, mum, daughter, friend, business owner, coach, and architect.
I’ve known Lisa for quite a few years now, and you’ll hear us talk about her ‘Ready for Change’ online program.
I personally did Lisa’s ‘Ready for Change’ program back in 2020.
I had some huge personal challenges across 2018, 2019 and early 2020, that I won’t go into detail, but they made the year we’ve had since COVID hit look like a walk-in-the-park, frankly! And I found I just didn’t have the personal resources or toolkit to navigate these personal challenges.
Lisa’s program was one of the resources I tapped into, and found it an amazing gateway into really changing how I manage my thoughts, and my subconscious, to serve me in a way that’s more supportive and kind.
I’ve since found lots of other help and support for this – meditation, self-hypnosis, general hypnosis, mindset coaching … it goes on and on.
Lisa’s program, Ready for Change, was a brilliant (and eye opening) exploration into the beliefs and habits I’d inherited and perpetuated for decades. And how I could start creating new, more empowering ones as well.
Access my free online workshop “Your Project Plan” >>> FREE WORKSHOP
Join Lisa’s ‘Ready for Change’ program >>> LINK
Website: https://lisacorduff.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisacorduff/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LisaCorduff1/
Podcast ‘Conversations with Lisa’ – https://lisacorduff.com/podcast/
Thank you again……
Funny about the fear of speaking up. Most people see me as a confident woman but I was unable to speak to our original designer (a woman). I felt like “I was that woman”….so much so that we accepted a design that was ok but not great. Luckily I have found another designer who has listened and read our building brief.
Amelia for giving me the confidence to speak up and make the changes that we need/want to make.
Hey Clare
It’s my pleasure – and I’m so glad that you persevered and found a designer you could work with more collaboratively. It’s so great that you’ve been able to speak up for yourself, and will only mean good things for your project.
– Amelia, UA
Wow. I’m just listening to this podcast as part of Start Here in beginning the HOME Method and there’s so much resonating for me. I want to share a champagne moment, (I nearly wrote “I hope that’s ok” – maybe I haven’t been listening so well 😛 ), that came as part of my journey in self discovery. I taught high school science, and physics to seniors. One of my past students recently wrote to me and within it she said that she has started studying law – that like physics it doesn’t always make sense, but also like physics she knows that it will and she is loving learning. She’s found such a wonderful story in herself that will empower her through life, and she has a background (beyond her control) where that may not have been the case. I feel so privileged to have been a part of her journey, and especially that she is the kind of person who would take the time to write such a lovely encouraging letter to me. She’s “loving giving it a go” – yay; and thank you Lisa and Amelia.
Hey Jane,
Thanks so much for your comment and sharing your beautiful ‘champagne moment’. What a fantastic way for her to see things! It’s so lovely she reached out to you as a previous student – and I suspect she’s one of VERY MANY whose lives you changed and empowered because of your work. Great teachers are so, so important. Thank you for all your incredible work.
I hope you’re finding HOME Method helpful, and so looking forward to getting to know you better along your project journey 🙂
– Amelia, UA x