In this episode, I wrap up 2017 on the “Get it Right” podcast, and share what’s coming up in 2018.
So if there’s anything you want to go back and revisit or refresh, this podcast episode can act as a reference and an index for you.
There’s a LOT of information, ideas and inspiration that gets put out each year in Undercover Architect, so this last episode for 2017 will help you find quickly what will be useful for you.
Believe it or not, this is Episode 59 of the Get it Right podcast. Just over a year ago, the very first episode was sent live, and every week since then, there’s been a fresh episode every Tuesday morning. I’ve been told that only 2% of podcasters get to episode 100, so we’ve still got a little way to go to that benchmark!
Have no idea where to start on your project?
The podcast kicked off with the Launch Season, which contains 4 episodes. These episodes take you through the 4 questions every project, regardless of location, budget, site, needs, dreams – whatever – every project begins with needing to answer these.
So many homeowners tell me “I just have no idea how to get started on my project” – and so I love sharing that answering the questions in those 4 episodes are the first steps to take – and those episodes take you through how to answer those questions so you get started in the best possible way.
Overwhelmed by all the decisions to be made?
Another thing I find homeowners struggle with is all the decisions and choices that need to be made when renovating or building. And often homeowners get so caught up in worrying about the quality of the build, that they overlook the process of design.
To be honest though, it doesn’t matter how great the quality of the build is – it will never fix a terrible design, and how inconvenient and frustrating that design can make your everyday life in your home.
The good news? Well, I find that, so often, it’s not because of a lack of cash that the design of a home fails, or doesn’t work.
Great design isn’t any more expensive than terrible design. It’s simply a case of understanding what matters most when you design your home.
And so that’s the topic of Season 1 of the podcast. In that season, 11 episodes take you through the core fundamentals of great design. I explain the key elements to understand and prioritise to help your home design be great – on any budget. It’s worth listening to those so you start your design process with that knowledge upfront.
Worried you won’t get it right in your home design?
Season 2 is called “How to Design a Home” and it’s a season packed full of advice about every room in your home.
I created this season because, so often I see homeowners start their project by designing their own floor plans.
If you’ve kicked off your project that way, perhaps you plan on doing the design yourself, and then getting it drawn up by a draftsperson. Or maybe it’s just the way you like to test your ideas, see what’s possible and get a better understanding of what you want to do … before you hand it over to a designer like an architect or building designer, to work their magic.
So Season 2 is all about the key things to focus on in each room of your home so you can create a home that’s functional, flexible, furnishable and flows … and FEELS great. In fact, each episode is wrapped around these 5 “Fs”. For me, they’re the recipe to create great family homes. I also share the mistakes people make in designing each room of their home, and how to think about putting all the rooms together – how to connect them, or keep them apart – so it can help with the whole jigsaw puzzle.
Nervous about blowing your budget – or no idea what things will cost?
Now of course, when you’re building or renovating, budget very quickly becomes a key topic of conversation. It’s like the elephant in the room … you can’t ignore it as much as you’d like sometimes, and it keeps looming into view.
Budget – and the fear of blowing it – is one key source of stress and nerves for most homeowners. So Season 3 is all about how to set and stay on your budget. We bust money myths, we help you have that first conversation with your designer or builder, we help you avoid the main budget blowouts I see catch people out all the time, we look at what to do if you realise your budget is unrealistic … and loads more.
Want to know the simplest way to improve your reno or new build?
Before we kicked off Season 4, I had a little 3 episode interlude all about Communication. When communication doesn’t go well, it can sink projects, blow budgets, cause massive amounts of stress, and lose you loads of time. So those 3 episodes provide you with some actionable information to get your communication sorted. Essential listening for anyone thinking about, planning or in the middle of a reno or new build.
Now, when thinking about your reno or new build … you’ll often know you need to get a builder … and a designer … and then the rest can be a bit of a mystery. And unfortunately, so many homeowners get into trouble budget and process-wise, because they’re not aware of all the other team members you’ll need before construction starts. Some are optional and useful, and some are essential and you’ll hold up your project if you don’t have them organized to do their bit along the way.
Don’t know who you need to hire for your project?
And so the last big season for the year was Season 4 – Know Your Team. There’s 2 introductory episodes where I take you through an overview of all the team members, and then the rest of the season is 10 interviews. They’re longer episodes that what I usually do, and in each of them, I sat down with professionals you may need to plan your building or renovation project. Each of the professionals I speak to are super generous with their experience and knowledge, and there’s so many pearls of wisdom throughout that season.
Sick of spinning your wheels in ‘planning’ your reno or new build?
And then, we’re in our Pre-Chrissy interlude … 5 episodes designed to help you make the most of your upcoming holiday break to be really productive with getting your project started or moved along really well.
“HOME Method” is my flagship online program to get you ready and confident for your project – and save you time, money and stress. CLICK HERE to learn more.
Your Secret Ally,
Amelia Lee, UA x
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