What are the key mistakes to avoid before building your renovation or new build project?
Learn three key mistakes here, and how you can prevent them from tripping you up. Or significantly costing you in time, money and stress.
Hello! This is Episode #216, and it’s the third of four episodes where I’m discussing in more detail the four phases of building or renovating your family home.
If you haven’t listened to Episode 213 about the mistakes to avoid during your Pre-Design phase, be sure to head back and catch up on that episode.
And if you haven’t listened to Episode 214 about mistakes many make in the Design Phase, then catch up on that episode, or grab the transcript here.
In this episode, I’m talking about the Pre-Build Phase.
This is the phase between Design and Build, and for many, it’s a frustrating time of impatiently waiting for construction to start. Yet, it is the point at which so many things need to be confirmed, finalised and agreed upon, it’s important to navigate through it thoroughly and carefully.
Now, let’s dive in!
So, let’s dive into the third phase, the Pre-Build Phase.
This phase is an interesting one, because many homeowners really do race through the Pre-Build phase.
For many, starting construction feels like the project is finally real and actually happening, and so there’s an urgency to get things happening on site as soon as possible.
Yet, the thing about Pre-Build, is that there is loads in this phase associated with your money, legal issues and getting properly prepared for a smooth construction or build phase.
And racing through this Pre-Build phase can result in some quite dangerous consequences, including cost blowouts, and legal issues that are expensive and difficult to get out of.
The Pre-Build phase is actually the last chance you have to put the brakes on, and ensure that everything is in order, understood and clearly communicated between you and your team prior to starting construction on site.
It’s the phase where you get to finalise the nitty gritty of your project, and ensure the design is properly drawn and scoped. If you haven’t listened to my podcast episode on how to check your construction drawings, I highly recommend that to you. You can listen or grab the downloadable PDF transcript.
Finalising and ensuring the accuracy of that documentation for your build is a big part of this Pre-Build phase of your project.
The Pre-Build phase is where you’re selecting and finalising some of your more detailed decisions and selections so as to firm up the construction cost. These things can feel like really BIG decisions at this point.
However, far too many resist making these decisions at this point, and enter into legal contracts with lots of room for a builder to move, charge you more, and finalise your selections on the run, during your construction. Which can make for a super stressful and costly project, as you get hit with variation after variation.
Pre-Build is the chance to set up a smooth construction process where you’re not in decision mode all the time, but instead your project and project team are in delivery mode instead, and taking action on all of the work, preparation and decisions you made prior to signing a building contract.
The Pre-Build phase is also where you need to ensure you’ve secured all the relevant approvals required to construct your reno or new build, so you don’t hit issues during construction, and get fined, told to stop, or delayed whilst you wait to catch up on things you were supposed to do earlier.
It’s actually a really important phase in your project. And one to travel through in an informed way, with your eyes open to what you’re committing yourself to, and what it will mean for your project.
Let’s look at the mistakes many make in their Pre-Build phase.
Inside the HOME Method, there are 6 steps to the Pre-Build phase, and I share the various mistakes for each of those steps, and tips on how to get it right as well. So I’m going to cherry pick three key mistakes to help you here in this episode.
If you’d like to learn more about the Pre-Build Phase, and the steps involved, then stay tuned to the end of the episode, because I’ve got some exciting news about my flagship program, the HOME Method.
You’ll also hear about a mantra I regularly use and think is super worthwhile to think about when planning your project. I’ve seen those that approach their projects in this way have a much more enjoyable experience overall, and achieve a far better outcome in their future home as a result.
And, you’ll hear a Member Story from Linda, who needed to do repairs to a home she had purchased to deal with the previous owner’s shoddy builder’s work.
Linda was being pushed into a corner by her architect, builder, and lawyer, and went looking for help – and found Undercover Architect. You’ll hear about how that changed her project experience.
Listen to the episode now.
Other podcast links I mentioned:
- Episode 213 | How to check your construction drawings
- Episode 214 | Pre-Design Mistakes to Avoid
- Episode 215 | Design Mistakes to Avoid
Other resources:
Join me for my free online workshop “The 4 Universal Factors that will make or break your project” >>> www.undercoverarchitect.com/four
Access the support and guidance you need to be confident and empowered when renovating and building your family home inside my flagship online program >>> HOME METHOD
Access my free online workshop “Your Project Plan” >>> FREE WORKSHOP
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