Learn about fast tracking passive house construction, and creating airtight, high performance homes. Passive House builder, Brian Guinan from ISMART Building Group, shares more.
We also discuss the Sustainable Builders Alliance, of which Brian is a founding member.
This episode is part of a special series on the National Construction Code, and NCC 2022.
Listen to the episode now.
Hello! This is episode 299, and it’s Part 2 of my conversation with Brian Guinan from ISMART Building Group.
If you haven’t tuned in for Part 1 yet, head back to Episode 298 first so you can hear the first half of my conversation with Brian. Listen or download the transcript here.
In Part 2 of my conversation, Brian shares some great detail about how he’s streamlined the delivery of his Passive House and high performance homes, especially in the challenging and predominantly volume-built construction industry in Western Australia.
He also shares his views on the National Construction Code 2022 changes, and his suggestions for homeowners to navigate this well.
Now, let’s dive in!
Brian Guinan is the director of ISMART Building Group, a company delivering High performance custom residential homes with a heavy focus on PassivHaus and has over 30 years experience in the industry in Europe, the US and now here in Australia.
Brian is a qualified Carpenter, Registered building practitioner, Certified Passive House Tradesperson, Certified Passive House Consultant, Accredited ATTMA air tightness tester, Director of Builders Declare (now Sustainable Builders Alliance) and the host of the podcast Sustainable Builders Yak.
More importantly Brian is a husband to a beautiful wife and father to 4 incredible children.
Brian has been driven to incite change in the industry for many years now and has been the pioneer for Passive House in Western Australia building over 50 homes to Passive house standards and completing 4 of the only 6 certified Passive Homes in Western Australia to date.
In this episode, I asked Brian about what homeowners should do to learn more about the changes to NCC2022.
He suggested checking out the training sessions shared by our industry bodies like Master Builders Association and the Housing Industry Association, and the ABCB as well (I’ve included links to the ABCB’s information below as it is free to watch).
Remember also you can check out my first two episodes for this NCC2022 series, where I take you through the specific changes that have happened in this update to the National Construction Code. I’ve popped those links below in the Resources as well.
Let’s jump into Part 2 of my conversation with Brian.
Now, my next episode is officially Number 300.
And whilst we have more than 300 episodes on the podcast due to some of the mini-sode series episodes I’ve dropped here and there, I do want to mark the occasion of publishing Episode 300 with a special update on Undercover Architect generally, and other things I’ve been wanting to share with you.
So, we’ll take a little break from the NCC2022 series whilst I do that with you, and then we’ll be back with a few more episodes about the accessibility updates included in the National Construction Code 2022 after that.
Please note, the links to some of these pages may be out of date or superseded as the NCC2022 adoption occurs, or (later) the NCC2022 is superseded by newer legislation.
National Construction Code 2022 >>> https://ncc.abcb.gov.au/editions/ncc-2022
NCC2022 state and territory adoption dates >>> https://abcb.gov.au/ncc-2022-state-and-territory-adoption-dates
NCC 2022 overview of key changes: articles >>> https://ncc.abcb.gov.au/ncc-2022-overview-key-changes-articles
ISMART Building Group
- Website >>> https://ismart-bg.com.au/
- Instagram >>> https://www.instagram.com/ismart_building_group/?hl=en
- Facebook >>> https://www.facebook.com/ismartbuilding/
Sustainable Builders Yak Podcast >>> ON SPOTIFY
Sustainable Builders Alliance Website >>> https://www.thesba.com.au/
Episodes on Undercover Architect’s podcast about the NCC2022 changes
- Episode 285: ‘Introduction to the National Construction Code 2022’
>>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-introduction-national-construction-code-2022/
- Episode 286: ‘What’s Changed in the National Construction Code?’
>>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-whats-changed-national-construction-code/
Access the support and guidance you need to be confident and empowered when renovating and building your family home inside my flagship online program, HOME METHOD >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/courses/the-home-method/
Learn more about how to interview and select the right builder with the Choose Your Builder mini-course >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/courses/choose-your-builder
Access my free online workshop “Your Project Plan” >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/projectplan
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