What are the big trends in home design in 2022?
And what are my personal loves when it comes to home design?
Listen (or download the transcript) to learn more.
This is episode 255, and in it, I’m going to talk through some loves of mine when it comes to home design, and some of the trends we’re seeing as well.
With each of my loves, I’ll be sharing what to consider and key tips to remember if exploring them for your future home.
Now, let’s dive in.
If you had a listen to Episode 253 – 5 Design Tips for your Ceiling, in it I talked about designing for resale vs designing for yourself, and gave you some tips and questions to ask to figure out what is the best approach for you.
After I published that episode, I had someone message me to ask if there are certain features that I advise for all homes. They said, “For instance, you mentioned clients feeling pressured to put an ensuite on the primary bedroom. It would be very unusual to buy or build a family home with only one bathroom. What are your thoughts?”
My response was this:
“It will depend on the area, and the financial situation. When I worked at Mirvac (a large residential development company), there were definitely non-negotiables based on the market level, the ideal buyer, the location and the desired sale price. If it’s a development play, those things might matter. But there really is no one-size-fits-all here.”
I went on to share that the only time we lived with an ensuite was when we added one into a home, and used it for a couple of months before we sold the home. The house we live in now has 3 bathrooms – but only one shower that works. And no bath. It’s a long story, but that’s the situation, and has been for years. So all 5 of us use that one bathroom that has the shower.
I’ve known lots of clients that only wanted one living area. Or only wanted one bathroom. Or wanted two main bedrooms because they’re a couple that don’t share a bed at night. Or wanted three living areas because they play video games against each other, in separate places within the same house. Or wanted two home offices, with one being where they could go to when coming home without the family knowing they’d arrived. Or wanted an ensuite to every kids’ bedroom. Or wanted to keep the whole home under 150m2. Or wanted to have an island bench. Or not have an island bench. And on and on and on. We like to think that everyone designs homes the same way – but it’s just not the case.
Most of what I teach here at Undercover Architect is focussed on timeless, functional design. To me, design isn’t prescriptive, and it isn’t about how something looks. Design is about how something works.
Design that can be flexible and adapt to the changing needs of your family as you live in the home, and adapt to the future owners who’ll come to live in your home in the decades ahead. Homes that suit you now, and over the long-term.
And homes that feel fantastic to live in, because they’re thermally comfortable, energy efficient, full of lovely natural light and ventilation, and there’s a sense of order and calmness about them, which helps you feel relaxed and at peace. Where there’s space to be together and to be apart, and a great connection with the outdoors that optimises the natural environment – even in the most urban of areas.
That to me, is the design to aim for. Designing for sustainability, enoughness, for sufficiency, for durability and a long-term view.
And then inside that framework, you can inject what is relevant and special to you. The spaces and things you love. The design styles and trends that you resonate with, and you feel authentically reflect you. The things you know you have always loved and been attracted to. The things that have meaning to you.
So, what are my loves when it comes to home design?
Well, I thought I’d share some particular features or elements that I think can be great to incorporate in your home design for a range of reasons I’ll go through. This isn’t an exhaustive list. Like the pet hates in home design I shared in Episode 244, this is just a collection of a few that may be helpful to you to consider in your future home and project journey.
And I’ll also dive into some of the current trends in home design, and share what’s driving them as well.
Listen to the episode now.
Join me for my free online workshop, happening early November 2022 >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/register
Undercover Architect’s Pinterest board on window seats >>> https://www.pinterest.com.au/undercoverarch/interior-window-seats-and-daybeds/
To watch the video on instagram showing hallway design >>> https://www.instagram.com/tv/CUL5mMuBxKD/?igshid=NDRkN2NkYzU%3D
How COVID-19 is changing home design >>> https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2022-05-20/covid-19-pandemic-home-house-design-how-it-is-changing/101077024
2022 Houzz Australia Emerging Trends Report >>> https://www.houzz.com.au/magazine/2022-houzz-australia-emerging-home-design-trends-report-stsetivw-vs~162203934
Podcast episodes with Jane Hilliard from Designful discussing ‘enoughness’
- Part 1 | Episode 237 >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-designing-your-home-using-enoughness-jane-hilliard-designful/
- Part 2 | Episode 238 >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-creating-your-ideal-home-jane-hilliard-designful/
Creating Spaciousness: Using Volume >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/creating-spaciousness-using-volume/
Creating Spaciousness: Using Light >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/creating-spaciousness-using-light/
Episode 244 | My Pet Hates in Home Design >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-my-pet-hates-in-home-design-amelia-lee/
Episode 253 | Consider Resale Value When Designing Your Home >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-considering-resale-value-when-designing-your-home/
Episode 254 | 5 Design Tips for Your Ceiling >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-5-design-tips-for-your-ceilings/
Access my free “Your Project Plan” online workshop and awesome bonuses now >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/projectplan
Access the support and guidance you need to be confident and empowered when renovating and building your family home inside my flagship online program >>> https://undercoverarchitect.com/courses/the-home-method/
Really love the pod. Thanks for all the info.
We had planned to Reno our house but we have had a massive budget blow out. We are now considering a volume build. Do you have any podcast on building with a volume builder? Thanks again
Hi Euan,
I’m glad you enjoyed the episode!
We don’t have a specific podcast on building with a volume builder, but we’d suggest you check out our episode on Design Construct builders as a start. Also the episode with Architopia founder may be helpful too.
Design Construct builders: https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-how-to-choose-design-construct/
You can check out Part 1 of 2 with Robert Duffield here: https://undercoverarchitect.com/podcast-buying-off-the-plan-architopia-robert-duffield/
I hope this is helpful to you.
Team UA